A board game night will be hosted in the common room 20 B.
Our selection includes games for all ages and tastes, and for groups, couples ans solo players.
We will offer some refreshments.
Come and join us for board game fun! :)
When? 4th April from 19:00
Where? common rromm 20 B
How much? free!!
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Easter Egg Hunt
Welcome to the traditional East Side Easter Egg hunt!
Here are some pics from last year:
Wait in line -
And go!
Enjoying the catch.
Here are some pics from last year:
Wait in line -
And go!
Enjoying the catch.
Meeting minutes 9.3.2016
Welcome to the next meeting on Wed 23.3. at 19:30, clubroom 50 A 7!
Here's what was up in the previous meeting two weeks ago. The minutes are written in Finnish as requested by TYS, but feel free to ask for a translation if your Finnish is not yet up to the task.
Here's what was up in the previous meeting two weeks ago. The minutes are written in Finnish as requested by TYS, but feel free to ask for a translation if your Finnish is not yet up to the task.
1. Kokouksen avaus 19.40
2. Tiedotusjuliste
- Julisteet jaettu, kaikille alueille ei ollut riittävästi,
mutta saatiin lisää tulosteita
- A5-kokoisia voidaan pitää esillä tapahtumissa, merkataan
aina seuraavan kokouksen päivämäärä
3. Polkupyörävarkausjuliste
- Jaetaan ilmoitustauluille ja pyörä/roskakatoksiin
- Niko jakaa sen alueen, joka oli viimeksi Meghalla ja
4. F. H.:n laskut
- backgammon-peliä vastaava summa hyväksyttiin, TYS maksaa rahat F.H.:n tilille
5. Avaimet
- Kun Mio saa vielä avaimen, niin kaikilla asukastoimikunnan
aktiiveilla on yksi
- Avainsysteemiksi vaihdetaan mahdollisesti iLOQ, joka on jo
käytössä joissakin TYS-kohteissa. Niko kysyy kokemuksia seuraavassa
neuvottelukunnan kokouksessa 16.3., ja puhutaan asiasta seuraavassa kokouksessa
6. Tulevat tilaisuudet
- Lauantaina hiihtotapahtuma Hirvensalossa, ilmoitettu
fb:ssa, osallistujamäärä täynnä. Osallistujien omavastuu 10 €, paitsi
järjestäjillä, loppulasku suoraan TYS:sille, max. budjetti 400 €
- lautapeli-ilta 21.3.2016 klo 19/Niko
7. Ompelukonehuolto
- ompelukoneen neula ja/tai syöttäjä on jumissa, eikä
tavallinen puhdistus ja neulanvaihto auttanut, kone on huollossa
- hinta-arvio 85 €, liikkeestä ilmoitetaan, jos huolto onkin
jostain syystä kalliimpi
8. Uusia lainatavaroita
- hankitaan mahdollisesti ikkunanpesuri ja tekstiilipesuri
kerhohuoneen puhtaanapitoon ja lainatavaroiksi
- keskustellaan malleista ja hinnoista seuraavassa
9. Kerhohuonevaraus
- asukas A.F. kysyi kerhohuonevarausta, Laura hoitaa sen
Elviksen poissaollessa
10. Kokous päättyi klo 20.05
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Let's go next Saturday to ski in Hirvensalo!
Here you have more information about the place: http://www.hirvensalo.fi/
This is an activity for 10 to 15 people. We can go together from SV or meet there at 9:45. The idea is to spend the whole day there.
There will be a fee of 10 € per person, the committee will cover the rest of the cost. For the people who does not need to rent the equipment the free is 5 €.
To make the renting easier and faster, it would be wonderful if everyone, who needs the equipment for rent, could send me the following information.
- the height
- the shoe size
- the weight
In order to sign-up, you should also send your name and address to yokyla.ita@gmail.com. Refer the email with "Ski Event" (priority by mail arrival order).
Do not hesitate in contact me or the tenant committee for any question you may have.
WHEN? Saturday 12.03
WHERE?Kakskerrantie 111
HOW MUCH? 10 € (5 € if you do not need to rent the equipment)
Let's go next Saturday to ski in Hirvensalo!
Here you have more information about the place: http://www.hirvensalo.fi/
This is an activity for 10 to 15 people. We can go together from SV or meet there at 9:45. The idea is to spend the whole day there.
There will be a fee of 10 € per person, the committee will cover the rest of the cost. For the people who does not need to rent the equipment the free is 5 €.
To make the renting easier and faster, it would be wonderful if everyone, who needs the equipment for rent, could send me the following information.
- the height
- the shoe size
- the weight
In order to sign-up, you should also send your name and address to yokyla.ita@gmail.com. Refer the email with "Ski Event" (priority by mail arrival order).
Do not hesitate in contact me or the tenant committee for any question you may have.
WHEN? Saturday 12.03
WHERE?Kakskerrantie 111
HOW MUCH? 10 € (5 € if you do not need to rent the equipment)
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
After the success with the Alien Reasearch Lab, here we are again!
Live Exit Games offers the extremely popular and fun live room escape games in the heart of Turku city. Your team (recommended team size 4-5 people) has one hour time to escape a room full of mysteries, riddles and puzzles. To succeed in the game, wits, logical understanding, team working skills, creativity and courage are required.
http://liveexitgames.fi/ english.html
We will have 5 TEAMS of 4 or 5 people each for the game KIDNAPPED
You and your friends have been kidnapped! You wake up in a weird locked room full of mysteries. Do you manage to escape before the kidnapper returns?
Here you can see the date that are available:https://slotti.fi/booking/LiveExitGames/
Remember to check Kidnapped in March and April.
If you have a 4 or 5 people team send the names, address and date to yokyla.ita@gmail.com and I will make the reservation. Refer the email with "Live exit games" (priority by mail arrival order). The event is free of charge.
If you do not have a team post on the event on fb the suitable days for you, then other people will see if they can join you. If you do not use fb, send me the suitable days to the tenant mail and I will post it.
Do not hesitate in contact me or the tenant committee for any question you may have.
Live Exit Games offers the extremely popular and fun live room escape games in the heart of Turku city. Your team (recommended team size 4-5 people) has one hour time to escape a room full of mysteries, riddles and puzzles. To succeed in the game, wits, logical understanding, team working skills, creativity and courage are required.
We will have 5 TEAMS of 4 or 5 people each for the game KIDNAPPED
You and your friends have been kidnapped! You wake up in a weird locked room full of mysteries. Do you manage to escape before the kidnapper returns?
Here you can see the date that are available:https://slotti.fi/booking/LiveExitGames/
Remember to check Kidnapped in March and April.
If you have a 4 or 5 people team send the names, address and date to yokyla.ita@gmail.com and I will make the reservation. Refer the email with "Live exit games" (priority by mail arrival order). The event is free of charge.
If you do not have a team post on the event on fb the suitable days for you, then other people will see if they can join you. If you do not use fb, send me the suitable days to the tenant mail and I will post it.
Do not hesitate in contact me or the tenant committee for any question you may have.
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Toimikunnan kokouksen Pöytäkirja 8.4.2022 / Meeting minutes for Tenant Committee meeting 8.4.2022
Asukastoimikunnan ilmoitusasiat / Tenants committee notification Clubroom: The clubroom at 50A 7 is open for the tenants’ use. Booking s...
FUN FISH FOOD - Sounds fishy isn't it ?? The Tenants Committee of the Student Village East Side welcome you to join us for the fi...
Asukastoimikunnan ilmoitusasiat / Tenants committee notification Clubroom: The clubroom at 50A 7 is open for the tenants’ use. Booking s...
Asukastoimikunnan ilmoitusasiat / Tenants committee notification Clubroom: The clubroom at 50A 7 was opened for the tenants’ use on 22nd ...