Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Fun Fish Food Party with Friends

FUN FISH FOOD - Sounds fishy isn't it ??

The Tenants Committee of the Student Village East Side welcome you to join us for the first event of this new year. 

As the name says, this party is all about FISH, FOOD, FUN And FRIENDS. Don't miss the chance to enjoy Fish, Seafood in the company of good friends. If you are new to Student Village, its a chance to meet your neighbors and make new friends. We will have a platter of fish dishes and seafood. So get ready to be overwhelmed with FISH

We will start grilling and preparing food around 16:00. If you wish help us, you are most welcome to help! The dinner will be served at 18:00. Even alcohol will be served (wine and beer - but in limited quantities, if you want to get drunk please feel free to bring your own alcohol) and after that there is a chance to play some board games too so if you want to bring some games that you have feel free :)

As before, we would like to know how many people are coming to this event, SO IF YOU WISH TO COME, PLEASE SEND US AN E-MAIL by Wednesday 31.1.2018 End of the day ( by 23:59). In order to sign-up, you should send your name and address to yokyla.ita@gmail.com so we know how much food to buy.

Before registering, please read our event policy: http://yo-kyla.blogspot.fi/2016/10/events-policy_21.html 

WHAT? Fun Fish Food Party with Friends
WHEN? Friday 2.2.2018 from 18:00, there is no fixed ending time
WHERE? Common room 50A 7
HOW MUCH? FREE The tenants' committee will cover everything.

RSVP on FB at https://www.facebook.com/events/141254626673602/

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Tenants Committee Meeting-Asukastoimikunnan kokous

Alempana myös suomeksi!
We have tenants' committee meeting this Wednesday at 19:30. It is open to all the tenants. Meet your neighbours, know about tenants committee events throughout the year and also communicate your issues/problems/complaints through us to the TYS.
If you have ideas for activities or events that you want to organize or join the tenants' committee feel free to attend and discuss them with us. Also, enjoy some pizza with us. If you want to borrow some tools/common items, or return previously borrowed stuff, this is the time.
WHAT? Tenant's Committee Meeting
WHEN? Wednesday 6.12 at 19:30 to 21:00
WHERE? Common room 50 A 7
HOW MUCH? free
FOOD? pizza
Asukastoimikunnalla on kokous tänä keskiviikkona klo 19:30. Kokous on avoin kaikille alueen asukkaille. Tule tapaamaan naapureitasi, tutustumaan minkälaisia tapahtumia asukastoimikunta järjestää läpi vuoden ja kertomaan, jos sinulla on asioita/ongelmia/valittamista TYS:n suuntaan meidän kauttamme.
Jos sinulla on ideoita minkälaisia tapahtumia voisimme järjestää tai haluat liittyä asukastoimikuntaan, niin tule ja keskustele kanssamme. Lisäksi meillä on pizzaa. Lisäksi jos haluat lainata asukastoimikunnan tavaroita, tai palauttaa niitä, niin tämä on sopivin aika siihen.
MITÄ? Asukastoimikunnan tapaaminen
MILLOIN? Keskiviikko 6.12 klo 19:30 - 21:00.
MISSÄ? Kerhohuone 50 A 7

Toimikunnan kokouksen Pöytäkirja 8.4.2022 / Meeting minutes for Tenant Committee meeting 8.4.2022

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