Asukastoimikunta kannustaa asukkaita osallistumaan Ravintolapäivään 17.8. Sponsoroimme pe 8.8. iltaan mennessä asukastoimikunnan sähköpostiin ilmoittautuneita ravintoloita 20 €:lla. Ilmoita ravintolan nimi, sijainti ja aukioloajat. Kokoamme tiedot yhteen ravintoloiden mainostusta varten.
The Tenants' Committee has decided to encourage pop-up restaurants in
Student Village east that are participating on Ravintolapäivä/Restaurant Day on 17th August. The committee will help in advertising
restaurants and also will pay a supporting fee, 20 euros to the host. If
you haven't decided yet, well this is the time you can plan it and let
us know by Friday night 8th August. Write to us at Tell us your restaurant's name, place and opening hours.
Those who don't know what Ravintolapäivä is look here
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