Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Star Wars Movie Night with the Tenants

So its the last movie event of this year... Join us for the latest STAR WARS movie with good company. It is also a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends with people who are fellow movie enthusiasts. 

Please send email to to register. There are only limited spots, and completely paid for by Tenants Committee of Student Village East!! so hurry up. Priority by mail order. Also, the event is only for the tenants of the Student Village East.

When you are sending your email, it means that you are complying with the event policy

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Toimikunnan kokouksen Pöytäkirja 8.4.2022 / Meeting minutes for Tenant Committee meeting 8.4.2022

  Asukastoimikunnan ilmoitusasiat / Tenants committee notification Clubroom: The clubroom at 50A 7 is open for the tenants’ use.  Booking s...