Monday, 3 October 2016

Annual Tenant meeting 4.10.2016

Student Village East, Annual Tenant meeting 4.10.2016
Suurin osa mediastamme on englanniksi sillä suuri osa osanottajistamme ovat ulkomaalaisia:

Location: Yo-kylä 50 A 7
Time: 7 pm. (19:00), ending time open

The Tenant Meeting assigns the local Tenant Committee members and is a legally assigned decision-making, democratic entity. For the purposes of elections, every household has one vote (shared flat roommates all have their own vote).

The annual meeting is a great chance to meet your neighbours, learn about the tenants committee activities and share experiences, complaints and ideas. We are continuously organizing events (climbing, bowling, bubble soccer, grilling etc.) which are mostly free for all tenants and we take care of rental items and the common room reservations. Because each year, members of the committee move out, we need new members to keep everything on going.

Did you know that part of your rent is provided by TYS to finance the events?
So become a member and create your own events or share your ideas how this money should be used!

Do you have any complaints or suggestions what should be changed or improved in student village east? So join our meeting and take the chance to talk to a TYS representative directly.


1) Opening the meeting
2) Pronouncing the meeting legally binding and presentation of the actual members of the committee.
3) Electing the chairperson, secretary, witnesses of the meeting transcript and the vote counters (if needed)
4) Approving the meeting Agenda
5) News from the TYS co-operative council for tenants
6) Complementing the Tenant Committee with new members and choosing a new chairperson
7) Situation of the clubrooms and replenishing their equipment
9) Other possible actions in the Autumn season (budget and responsible persons)
10) Situation of the outdoor areas, their condition and discussions
11) Other things coming up
12) Agreeing on the next meeting of the Tenant Committee
13) Ending the meeting

After the meeting, the elected Tenant Committee will divide the responsibilities amongst themselves. The meeting official language is English.

Check out our blog at to see what we have been doing and join our facebook group “Asukastoimikunta YO-kylä itä/ Student Village East” and become friends with our fb profile “Yo-itä SV-East Vänner” to get event invitations directly to your account, to discuss with us easily and to be up to date about what is going on.

So join our meeting, bring along your flatmates or other people who live in student village east. Small children can come along their parents. We have toys, a potty, a highchair and a microwave oven in the clubroom.
Pizza, snacks and soft drinks will be provided for all participants.

Welcome to the annual tenants committee meeting!

Kaikki ovat tervetulleita 4.10. Klo 19.00 alkavaan YO-kylä idän asukastoimikunnan syyskokoukseen jossa nimitämme alkavan akateemisen vuoden asukastoimikunnan jäsenet.

(ps. we have pizza)

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